In the heart of bustling Hong Kong, Wendy, joined by her husband, shares her life with two furry companions: Poochie and MooMoo. Wendy's journey began in the cosmetics world as a PR professional, but she's now a full-time calligrapher. Her flexible schedule draws her closer to her cherished dogs. Poochie, the four-year-old, and the soon-to-be-three MooMoo became part of their family just a few months after they were born. These two French Bulldogs hold a special place in Wendy's heart. Wendy's affection for animals has deep roots. She once had two cats, but as time passed, they departed from this world a few years ago. Wendy's fondness for French Bulldogs knows no bounds. She believes they possess a magical, charming smiling face capable of brightening anyone's day. These dogs aren't just cute; they're smart, occasionally clumsy, and always a source of fascination. Wendy thinks having a pet is a serious commitment, not just a casual thing. She really hopes people get this before getting a pet. It bothers her when she sees pets being mistreated in the news. To her, it's simple: when you adopt a pet, you become their world and their guardian. You should take care of them like a family member to keep them safe.
Left ,Poochie in Poppy Red Harness . Right , Moomoo in Angel vest
When it came to naming their first furry friend, Poochie, Wendy and her husband turned to the world of animation for inspiration. The movie "Despicable Me" played a pivotal role, featuring an endearing character named Poochie—a little mouse who happened to be best friends with Minion Bob. MooMoo, on the other hand, owes her name to her black-and-white fur, reminiscent of a cow. Among the two, Poochie takes on the "big sister" role. She can be a tad bossy and is especially strict with MooMoo. While she's incredibly sweet with humans, she's selective about forming bonds with other dogs, although she has a close-knit circle of doggy pals. In contrast, MooMoo is carefree and easygoing. Very little rattles her, and she relishes playtime, occasionally getting a bit wild.
Moomoo & Poochie are wearing Pipolli Hoodie
When MooMoo initially joined the family, it took some time for Poochie and her to warm up to each other. But Wendy still cherishes that moment when they broke down barriers and cuddled together, a memory of pure maternal bliss. Their days are filled with laughter and play, often involving spirited hide-and-seek games at home or outings to the local dog park, where they mingle with other canine friends.Wendy's love extends beyond her family to her affection for Hong Kong. The city's vibrant energy and ever-present excitement continue to captivate her. Hong Kong beautifully melds Chinese culture with traces of its colonial history. One of Wendy and Poochie's cherished pastimes is visiting cafes. Wendy savors her coffee, relishing moments that stretch for an hour or two. The only downside is that not all places in Hong Kong are dog-friendly, and the city's limited space sometimes sparks Wendy's dream of taking Poochie and MooMoo on adventures abroad, where they can frolic freely in expansive open fields.
Left : Moomoo in Poppy red bow collar , Right: Poochie is wearing Blush pink Harness
While Wendy gravitates toward a minimalistic wardrobe, favoring timeless colors like white, beige, and brown, she delights in infusing vibrant color into Poochie and MooMoo's lives. Pink happens to be Poochie's favorite, and Wendy enjoys adorning them with stylish leather accessories, including bow collars and harnesses that invariably catch everyone's eye. Welcoming Poochie and MooMoo into their lives has orchestrated a transformation in Wendy and her husband's daily routines. As freelancers, they relish the flexibility that allows them to savor quality time with their furry companions. Those moments when they're all together constitute the highlights of their days. Poochie and MooMoo transcend the label of pets; they're Wendy's eternal fur-babies. Just thinking about them makes Wendy smile brightly, and every second spent with them is a cherished treasure. Wendy's deepest wish is for their continued well-being and happiness, Poochie and MooMoo have made a permanent place in her heart, creating a strong bond that will last